Prayer is simply talking (not necessarily out loud) to your Creator in a way that reflects your true character while loving, honoring, and respecting his. God wants to experience your thoughts, feelings, and desires in a personal way. Prayer is authentic communion with the Lord. I want my prayer life to be proactive, and not just reactive... Whether they’re dialogues of praise, repentance, reflection, questions, or requests. If you have to think about what to pray you’ve complicated it already. I wrote these Simple Prayers to reflect the basic relational elements of the Christian faith.

Copyright © Jim Ed Hardaway. Simple Prayers may not be reproduced or distributed, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any

form or by any means (electronic, design, photocopy, website or any other) without the written permission from the author.

//simple prayers

Thankful for life, family, friends, hope, and the breath I just took. Beyond that I am hopefully optimistic. - A Simple Prayer, Jim [Ed] Hardaway, 13 July 2012

Lord, I commit my worry to you. Replace it with faith, trust, and assurance. - A Simple Prayer, Jim [Ed] Hardaway, 17 July 2012

Why am I so quick to look past my own faults and criticize the faults of others? Is my life absent of faults, bitterness, hurt, shortcomings, bad habits, selfishness, hate, and pride? Quite simply, no. Lord, forgive me for judging others and cleanse my heart of pride. Help me, show me, and teach me how to love my neighbor as myself. - A Simple Prayer, Jim [Ed] Hardaway, 5 August 2012

Lord, at the end of the day, I want to know that my motives were pure and I treated people right. - A Simple Prayer, Jim [Ed] Hardaway, 8 August 2012

God, you know every moment in my journey: every trial, every failure, every thought, every victory, and every scraped knee. Be my everything in every moment. - A Simple Prayer, Jim [Ed] Hardaway, 9 August 2012

With every trial and challenge that crosses my path I am tempted to quit, to give up, and to surrender. Lord, give me wisdom in advancing, tenacity in enduring, and peace in trusting. You are my hope. - A Simple Prayer, Jim [Ed] Hardaway - A Simple Prayer, Jim [Ed] Hardaway, 9 August 2012

God, your greatest attribute is your unconditional love. Without it I would be hopeless, lost, and desperate. With it I have undeniable purpose, I know incommunicable peace, and I am truly blessed. - A Simple Prayer, Jim [Ed] Hardaway, 9 August 2012

Lord, I want to be bold. I want to be composed when confronted with unforeseen adversity and brave in the face of expected danger. Be my source of strength and power so that I can be humbly courageous. - A Simple Prayer, Jim [Ed] Hardaway, 9 August 2012

How do I process my days? Do I end each day with thoughts of negative experiences and frustrations, or do I end each day with positive reflections of opportunity and perspective? God, I need your enduring strength. Help me to overcome tendencies of self-pity and the temptation to dwell on the things that didn't go my way. You are my model of hope and that requires me to trust in you and embrace optimism. - A Simple Prayer, Jim [Ed] Hardaway, 7 September 2012

God, you're not impressed with my quest for religion or my stagnant traditions. It taints our union and disconnects me from the experience of authentic communion. You want authenticity. You want me to come as I am and to give my all. Emblazon my heart with a passion that is determined and pure. - A Simple Prayer, Jim [Ed] Hardaway, 10 September 2012