Everyone who makes it has a mentor. – The Harvard Business Review
You’ve got to have mentors along the way. – Lee Iacocca
Contemporary mentoring is a caring relationship based on mutual respect that extends beyond normal business skills and goals into values, beliefs, and friendships. – Stephen Graves
I know of no leader in any era who hasn’t had at least one mentor: a teacher who found things in him he didn’t know were there, a parent, a senior associate who showed him the way to be, or in some cases, not to be, or demanded more from him than he knew he had to give. – Warren Bennis, Acclaimed Author & Business Professor
If I really love a guy and care for him, I cannot allow him to go on the way he is without some form of confrontation. You win some and you lose some. But I feel that’s my obligation. If I see a guy has a glaring weakness, if I’m in any way involved with him then I’ve got to tell him. – Howard Hendricks, Professor at Dallas Theological Seminary
Anyone can see people as they are. It takes a leader to see what they can become, encourage them to grow in that direction, and believe that they will do it. People always grow toward a leader’s expectations, not his criticism and examinations. – John C. Maxwell, Developing The Leaders Around You
In order to be a good mentor I have to see a person not in terms of what they are, but in terms of what they can become. Therefore, I’m going to make an investment. – Howard Hendricks, Professor at Dallas Theological Seminary
Your protégé is more apt to do what you inspect that what you expect. – Floyd Wickman, Mentoring—A Success Guide for Mentors and Protégés
If you are looking for the perfect person to be your Discipler, Teacher, Master, Tutor, Guardian, Guide, Father/Mother-figure, Trainer, Leader, Instructor, Counselor, Mentor and/or Coach, then I’ve got some bad news for you. That person doesn’t exist…My advice: Get over it. – Stephen Caldwell
There is something that is much more scarce, something finer by far, something rarer than ability. It is the ability to recognize ability. – Elbert Hubbard
No one can become rich without himself enriching others. – Andrew Carnegie
mentoring quotes