When I saw "Raiders of the Lost Ark" in 1981 I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. Who didn't want to be Indiana Jones?! This rugged, curious adventurer changed the face of archeology forever, at least in the minds of movie junkies. Searching for hidden relics was no longer about long, boring digs in the desert, but rather, fistfights, cliffhangers, bottomless pits, pretty girls, poisonous snakes, daring escapes, dense jungles, treasure maps, and priceless artifacts!
Watch the video: Me at Raiders of the Lost Ark Film Location (Kauai, HI). With my replica Indiana Jones fedora on I visit two film locations on the island of Kauai.
Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory. • Indiana Jones
Sallah, I said *no* camels. That's *five* camels. Can't you count? • Indiana Jones
Archaeology is the search for fact... not truth. If it's truth you're looking for, Dr. Tyree's philosophy class is right down the hall. • Indiana Jones
But choose wisely, for while the true Grail will bring you life, the false Grail will take it from you. • Grail Knight
I'm like a bad penny, I always turn up. • Indiana Jones
Archeology is the search for fact, not truth. If it's truth you're interested in, Dr. Tyree's Philosophy class is right down the hall. So forget any ideas you've got about lost cities, exotic travel, and digging up the world. We do not follow maps to buried treasure, and "X" never, ever marks the spot. • Indiana Jones
...who drinks the water I shall give him, says the Lord, will have a spring inside him welling up for eternal life. Let them bring me to your holy mountain in the place where you dwell. Across the desert and through the mountain to the Canyon of the Crescent Moon, to the Temple where the cup that - where the cup that holds the blood of Jesus Christ resides forever. • Indiana Jones

Source of all quotes and images: Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984), Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) Paramount Pictures.
This page is intended as a fan tribute to the movie.